Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Hi. If you're reading this blog, I'm going to assume you're a grownup. That means I can speak candidly and say bad words. Fuck yeah! 

I don't talk to many grownups anymore--my husband and the grocery store cashier are about it most days. I stay home with my two kiddos. Birdie is 5 and will be starting kindergarten in the fall (half day, WTF Pennsylvania?). Bug is 1 1/2. They're awesome kids, I love them dearly, and I know I'm lucky to be able to stay with them. However, after they go to bed, it's time for Mama to have a drinkie or two. Mama earned it.

So this blog will be about whatever the hell I feel like writing. I like to cook and I LOVE to eat, but I'm also a fatty, so I'm on Weight Watchers at the moment. I'll share recipes and include WW points for them. I am a big fan of alcohol (everything in moderation, y'all) and I like creative drinks, so I'll share those too. Yes, with WW points too (sad). We recently moved from North Carolina to my home state of Pennsylvania, and we're still adjusting to the changes. It's going to be interesting in a few months. I'm no Stark, but seriously, winter is coming. My southern hubby and kiddos are going to have a time of it. Who knows what else I'll feel like putting on here. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Suzy Homemaker I'm not, so please call me Little Boozy Homemaker.